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Yleinen asennus suutin/ejektori
Muuttuva voimaruiskutus jopa 150 paunaan asti

Varastossa (Est: 8-16 viikkoa)

Normaalihinta $130.00 USD/ea
Normaalihinta Alennushinta $130.00 USD
Alennusmyynti Loppuunmyyty
 Lisää maksuvaihtoehtoja
Näytä kaikki tiedot

tuotteen yksityiskohdat

Variable Force Injection
Locking Latch
Universal Mounting
Full Travel Ejection
Vita 78.0 Compliant
Ergonomic Design
3D Models Available

Body, Cam, Pawl, Catch: Aluminum AL7075-T7351, Teflon Impregnated Hard Coat Anodize AMS 2482, Type 1

.090” Rivets, Coil Spring: SS300 Series, Passivated

.060” Rivets: SS17-4 Series H900, Passivated

Leaf Spring: SS17-7 Series HT1050, Passivated

The tolerance-compensating Variable Force Injector/Ejector provides evenly distributed injection/ejection forces in order to ensure uniform mating of a module’s critical connection points to its backplane, while simultaneously protecting connector pins and backplane receptacles from over-insertion.

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